Goalkeeper in Ethiopia throws ball into his own net, tries to act...

Goalkeeper in Ethiopia throws ball into his own net, tries to act like it never happened

By Roger Gonzalez

You never know where the CBS Sports soccer train will take you. From deep in South America to Asia and inbetween, there are always countless moments in world soccer that you just have to see. This is the latest one, and it’s from Ethiopia.

Check out this Ethiopian Premier League match between Welwalo Adigrat and Fasil Kenema, as Welwalo’s goalkeeper accidentally throws the ball into his own net. Check it out:

I really don’t understand how this happens. I mean, I get this is a sport where you mainly use your feet. But these goalkeepers are trained professionals and they use their hands with the ball all the time.

And how about the goalkeeper trying to play it off? A for effort.