Addis Standard staffs
Addis Abeba, May 15/2015 – In a meeting with senior government officials including members of his cabinet, Ethiopia’s Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed said the government was investigating foreign bank accounts held by senior government officials, a source who attended the meeting told Addis Standard.
During the meeting held in his office today, the Prime Minister also criticized what our source said was “the spoon feeding culture” among members of his cabinet and senior government officials, who the PM blamed were “not forthcoming with sound policy ideas” and are “lacking the culture of creativity.”
The meeting, reported by state affiliated and state owned media houses who were allowed inside as a “half day discussion with high level government officials including Ministers on how to deliver the results and respond public demands,” was held inside the PM’s office.
According to our source, who wants to remain anonymous, the prime minister told attendees that foreign countries where bank accounts held by senior government officials are cooperating with his government in its investigations. The Prime Minister also decided to move the weekly cabinet meetings from Friday to Saturday in order not waste working days by meetings.