I, with Atnaf and Ermias went to Addis Ababa Police detention center...

I, with Atnaf and Ermias went to Addis Ababa Police detention center || Befekadu Z. Hailue

I, with Atnaf and Ermias went to Addis Ababa Police detention center today to visit friends. I could briefly talk to Merkebu Haile, Elias Gebru, Sintayehu Chekol and Berihun Adane. They told me they are not under police interrogation anymore, except the very first day they were detained. They also told me they refused to confess “ቃል አንሰጥም” to police on anything. They said they are not physically tortured but the meaningless detention is a psychological torture. They can be visited by family and lawyers without a significant restriction. I appreciate police’s improvement in this regard; however, this doesn’t change the fact that their detention is politically motivated.

Elias said to me “the difference between the old and new regimes of EPRDF is very insignificant; even though we were not tortured, we are held in police custody because of our political views.” I cannot disagree with his conclusion. I believe Elias and Sintayehu were jailed because of their membership to the group which they call “baladera” (the Balderas group led by Eskinder Nega). I’ve always mentioned my differences with the group’s movement. However, it has to be treated like every other peaceful political group is treated. They have all the right to peaceably organize and assemble in public. And, I’m sure they have nothing to do with the assassination of Amhara’s President Ambachew and others.

Merkebu is a silent fighter of dictatorships. He is always there, without fear, whenever and wherever there is a movement he believes in. He was jailed multiple times and lost all his teeth in torture previously. Now, in times when the whole world thinks Ethiopian state was changed for the better, Merkebu is again jailed because of his close association to the Balderas group.

Berihun is a political science literate and lecturer in Addis Ababa University. He is also a well read political analyst who doesn’t enjoy being in the front row of political movements. He believed in the power of media which he kept himself close to. We worked together on Enqu and Weyeyet Magazines. Recently, he grew more of an Amhara nationalist which seems a default choice in the political dynamics of today’s Ethiopia. He has been managing both Berera newspaper and Asrat Tv from behind as a brain for the cause both media outlets stood for. He may be generating challenging narratives to both the Federal and Amhara regional governments. But, the Berihun I know will never involve himself in a violent form of movement.

The new regime of EPRDF failing to meet expectations. Freeing these people and others who are held in similar attempt to stop their political movements is not about the individuals, it is about sustaining the hope the country has in transitioning itself to democracy.

Below is Berihun’s picture that was taken in 2016 when we – team Weyeyet Magazine – launched discussion sessions in cooperation with EthioTube.