Since returning to #Ethiopia a month ago || Obang Metho

Since returning to #Ethiopia a month ago || Obang Metho

Since returning to #Ethiopia a month ago, an atmosphere of ethnic tensions,political killings, arrests, increasing rumors and conspiracy theories, decreasing trust and fear of instability have all intensified; yet, we have also experienced some significant inroads.

We must be careful now to not create ingredients for fighting against each other either now or in the future. Ethiopian Defense troops and security forces with guns should not use them against the people. The taking of one life is too many.

We Ethiopians have already shed too many tears;we have already spilled too much blood; we have already lived with too much pain and sorrow;we have already felt too much desperation;and, we have already lost too many of our people to death,abuse or hardship while trying to find a better life outside of Ethiopia. It is time to reclaim,rebuild and transform Ethiopia into a New Ethiopia where people want to stay. It will require all of us working together by each doing our share.

I believe that the only way out of this ethnic politics crisis is genuine dialogue NOT more ethnocentric politics that failed to value the humanity.We are brothers and sisters and we can find a solution and healing for the past,reconciliation for the present and hope for the better future.

May Allah/God protect all of our people from doing harm each other and May He heal our beautiful land.

Long Live Ethiopia!